How Do I Get To Heaven?

God loves you and wants you to spend Eternity with Him in Heaven, but He’s made it your choice.

Life’s Most Important Decision!

Over 80% of those who don’t go to church, would like to believe there’s a God who can make sense out of the chaos . . . and are looking for Him. If you’re amongst those who are seeking God, even passively, you’re going to love this website.

Again, we have no hidden agendas. The sole purpose of this website is to secure your place in Heaven . . . and you’ll be amazed by how easily that’s accomplished!

You can’t earn your way into Heaven!

While every religion makes you a better person, none of them make you perfect. For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23). Here’s a reality check: Unless you’re perfect, you can’t enter God’s Holy presence. The wages of sin is death (Eternity in Hell) but (Praise God) the Gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

You can’t earn a gift, because it’s a gift! It’s not about what you’ve done in life, it’s about what Jesus did for you on the cross. Without the shedding of His blood on the cross, as payment for your sins, it would be impossible for you to enter into the purity of Heaven. And yet sadly, most of those who call themselves Christians, have never accepted God’s gift of Eternal Life and are still trying to earn it.

Most Americans believe themselves to be Christians because they’re good people who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But even the demons in Hell know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and tremble in fear (James 2:19).

It’s critical to remember Jesus’ words: No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). He was either a lunatic or a liar, or He is the Son of God who sacrificed His life on the cross for you, so that you enjoy Eternal Life with Him. Again, accepting or rejecting God’s gift of Salvation is life’s most important decision. This website provides you with all the information you need to make that decision.

Seeking God Your Way

This site is packed with powerful and entertaining information, in a wide variety of forms, for your individual preference and time availability.  The timing is entirely yours for accepting God’s gift of Eternal Life for yourself.  Here for you to enjoy:

  • Answers to Most Frequently Asked Questions:  Your most serious and heartfelt questions are God’s greatest opportunity to explain Himself to you.  Much like the ending scene in a courtroom drama, truth is like the turning on of a light bulb. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:31). 
  • Real People/Real Stories:  All of us enjoy personal stories that inspire us to make life-changing decisions. Pick one that relates to your life and follow their lead!
  • Teaching Experiences:  For those who enjoy a classroom experience, audio and video teachings provide practical, relevant, and compelling insight into the faith-inspiring words of Christ.
  • Reference Materials:  Adding to your experience, we’ve carefully selected books, articles, small group studies, and websites that may enhance your search for God’s ultimate Truth.
  • Accepting God’s Gift:  Whenever you’re ready to make your personal decision to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, click on “Pathway to Eternity.”  There you will find all the information you need for making life’s ‘Ultimate Decision’. 
  • Next Steps:  Accepting God’s forgiveness for your sins and His gift of Eternal Life represents the first day of the rest of your life. Next Steps will explain what’s next . . . and how you can grow closer to God, every day, living for His purpose.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road!
  • Key Influencers:  Listen and watch renowned ‘Champions of the Faith’ like Billy Graham, Lee Strobel, Dr. Frank Turek, and Phil (Duck Dynasty) Robertson share personal insights on God’s ability to transform lives and set people free in the Inspiring Messages section.
  • Getting Personal:  If becoming a Christian is a world away from where you are right now, you’ll enjoy these amazing first-hand reports in the Seeking God Videos section. Well-known personalities like David Robinson of the Houston Rockets, Remi Adeleke, Navy Seal and now the face of Jockey, and Award-Winning Author, Andrew Klavan, all came from diverse backgrounds to have their lives transformed by Jesus Christ.